Greener and Kinder Pathways

Want to make a difference in your school, community, and the world? The Environment and Sustainability Club Vice President, Aliza Wahl, says, “For anybody who wants to help with sustainability- it’s just small little everyday things that you can do.” This week is Stevens High School Kindness Week, and students are challenged to be kind to their campus. One way they can achieve this is through campus cleanups, and there are several outlets.

From trash pickups to climate change presentations, the Stevens High School Environment and Sustainability Club makes little everyday differences to aid our much larger worldwide issue. Every other Thursday in Room 120, you can earn volunteer hours and make a subtle impact that goes a long way.

There is also the Black Hills Cleanup, a group run by Stevens upperclassmen. The meetings are bimonthly, and the goal is to dispose of litter in much-needed areas throughout the Black Hills. Going out twice a month doesn’t take much energy, but the little efforts add up.

All these eco-friendly efforts support Kindness Week’s green initiative. During that week, Stevens is hosting the “Be Kind to Your Campus” cleanup on Thursday, November 21st. Students can collect gloves and trash bags in the multi-purpose room and collect trash around the Stevens campus. Students who participate will receive volunteer hours and pizza.

Although climate change seems hopeless on the high school scale, habits can be adapted to make environmental differences in the Rapid City community. Some ways to contribute are: discarding trash in a bin, recycling, reducing fuel and food waste, and volunteering. Changes cannot be made without united participation, so pick up some gloves, bags, and pizza. Let’s be kind to our campus.


For more info, feel free to contact the Environmental and Sustainability Club @shs_environmentalsusainability

Follow Black Hills Cleanup @blackhillscleanup

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