Glendon Arnold Carpenter, Jr., of Lexington, Kentucky, has been sentenced for unlawfully transporting a minor across state lines with intent to engage in sexual activity.
Jerry Gale Kerns of West Virginia has been charged with bombing a methane gas pipeline owned and operated by Warrior Met Coal, Inc., in Brookwood, Alabama.
A Texarkana physician has been sentenced to 87 months in prison on two counts of distribution of a schedule II controlled substance without an effective prescription.
Officials announced the sentencing of the third and final defendant, Marquis Shawn McKeithen, for his role in the armed robbery of a convenience store.
A former Daleville, Alabama, Police Department sergeant, Ryan Phillips, pleaded guilty to depriving an arrestee of his civil rights under color of law.
Michael Kilgore, a former Centre police officer, has been charged in connection with a scheme to plant drugs on innocent motorists in order to manufacture drug arrests.